
    CISCO Router 2016. 6. 8. 04:29

    IPv6 IP address할당하는 세가지방법

    1. AutoCOnfiguration with SLAAC



    2. DHCP와 SLAAC를 사용

    두가지를 사용한 하이브리드 방법

    SLAAC - 프리픽스, 프리픽스 길이 및 기본 게이트웨이를 얻을 수 있는 장치를 허용 방법

    DHCP - IPv4와 유사, 상태 저장 주소 구성 또는 상태 비저장 구성 설정을 IPv6호스트에서 제공


    IPv6의 동적 호스트 구성 프로토콜(DHCPv6)

    IPv4 훨씬 간단함


    로컬에서 뒤가 중복이 되지 않도록 64비트 채우는 방법

    EUI-64 : 64비트를 48비트로 맵핑 OUI 24비트 + (F F F E) 16비트 + 24비트


    1이 유니버셜 0이 로컬

    아무 의미 없이 랜덤으로 생성(로컬에서 중복성을 체크)(중복의 가능성이 있음)

    Dynamic Address Assignment

    IPv6 prides itself as a protocol that supports many dynamic plug and play functionalities. As a result, there are multiple ways to assign IP addresses in IPv6. This guide will go over two methods of IPv6 address assignment: stateless and stateful


    Stateful Address Assignment

    Similar to IPv4, IPv6 can use DHCP to statefully assign IP addresses to any clients. Cisco IOS routers can be configured to be Stateful DHCP servers. Stateful DHCP means that the DHCP server is responsible for assigning the IP address to and client. The DHCP server keeps a record of all clients and the IPv6 address assigned to them. Below is a configuration example of a server and client using stateful DHCP.


    Server configuration:


    ipv6 dhcp pool IPV6_DHCPPOOL

    address prefix 2001:DB8:1000::/64 lifetime infinite infinite

    link-address 2001:DB8:1000::1/64

    dns-server 2001:DB8:1000::1

    domain-name cisco.com



    interface Ethernet0/0

    ipv6 address 2001:DB8:1000::1/64

    ipv6 enable

    ipv6 nd ra suppress

    ipv6 dhcp server IPV6_DHCPPOOL


    여기서 ND와 RA가 Suppress를 해야한다. 이것은 AutoConfiguration 이 아니라 DHCP process만으로 IP address를 할당하도록 하기 때문이다.


    Client configuration:

    interface Ethernet0/0

    ipv6 address dhcp

    ipv6 enable

    The client configuration is the same in IPv6 as it is for IPv4.

    Stateless Address Assignment

    This is a unique feature only to IPv6. Stateless address configuration means that the client picks their own address based on the prefix being advertised on their connected interface. All Cisco devices have the ability to participate in Stateless Autoconfiguration (SLAAC). By default, SLAAC does not provide anything to the client outside of an IPv6 address and a default gateway. Additional configuration on the server is necessary before the same information can be provided to the client as Stateful DHCP.

    Moreover, it is important to note that SLAAC most commonly uses eui-64 format for address assignment. This means that IPv6 addresses will be built from a combination of the Layer 3 subnet prefix and the MAC address of the client. The requirement for SLAAC is that the LAN segment must use a /64 mask.

    Cisco IOS routers support both Stateful DHCP and Stateless DHCP. Stateless DHCP does not track IPv6 address bindings per client. Rather, it uses DHCP only to hand out domain-names, DNS servers and other client relevant information. Below is a server and client configuration example for Stateless address assignment.

    Server configuration:

    ipv6 dhcp pool IPV6_DHCPPOOL

    dns-server 2001:DB8:1000::1

    domain-name cisco.com



    interface Ethernet0/0

    ipv6 address 2001:DB8:1000::1/64

    ipv6 enable

    ipv6 nd other-config-flag

    ipv6 dhcp server IPV6_DHCPPOOL


    Notice that the DHCP pool configured on the sever has no address pool assigned. This is because the client will select their own IP address since this is a stateless address assignment solution. The router is acting as a stateless DHCP server. Its only role is to provide DNS server and domain name information to clients on this segment.


    Client configuration:

    interface Ethernet0/0

    ipv6 address auto-config

    ipv6 enable


    The client is configured to use SLAAC by setting the "auto-config" option. This command is unique to IPv6 and is the most common way to obtain IP addresses via IPv6.

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